

Eolas Capital provides solicitation services to asset management firms ("Partner Managers") as part of their investment advisory services. Eolas Capital is compensated for the endorsement of the Partner Manager in accordance with the Form ADV Part 2A disclosures and the fee table as both document are disclosed on this website. Eolas Capital does not represent a recommendation of any particular security, investment strategy, investment product of a Partner Manager and is acting only as a solicitor. Any material conflicts of interest on the part of Eolas Capital in giving the endorsement resulting from the Partner Manager’s relationship with Eolas Capital and/or a description of any compensation arrangement, provided, is included in the disclosure documents. Information with respect to Partner Manager’s investment management services have been provided and approved for distribution by the Partner Manager. Eolas Capital does not warrant or guarantee the information’s completeness or accuracy.

This website describes the provision of working capital and a range of operational support services for which Eolas Capital receives a revenue share as compensation from a Partner Manager including from investment manager partners of its parent company and affiliate, Channel Capital. In this arrangement, such services are not considered to be investment advice and Eolas Capital is not acting as an investment adviser. These services are not intended to be, nor should it be construed or used as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy interests or shares in any investment product or private funds offered by the Partner Managers.


Tony Kao

Advisory Board Member

Tony is a Managing Principal and Chief Investment Officer of SECOR Asset Management, LP. He has over 30 years of investment management industry experience, including time as the Chief Investment Officer of General Motors Asset Management, where his responsibility included the management of the $130 billion global employee benefit related plans primarily for General Motors and its affiliates.

He currently serves on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Investment Management and Journal of Investment Consulting. His articles have been published extensively in various finance journals and books. He earned his MBA in Finance from New York University. Tony currently serves as President of the Paul Koors Memorial Foundation.