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Alternative Credit Specialist East Coast Asset Management Introduces Strategy to U.S. Market Partners with Eolas Capital for Distribution, Marketing Support

GEORGE TOWN, CAYMAN ISLANDS, Jan. 29, 2025 – East Coast Asset Management, a long-short fixed income manager specializing in North American investment grade credit, today announced its entry into the U.S. market with the launch of a new investment vehicle that is part of an offshore strategy with a 15-year history.  

East Coast Asset Management, with approximately US$1.8 billion in assets, has served institutional and individual investors in Canada for 15 years and introduced its strategy this month to investment consultants, institutional investors, registered investment advisors, family offices and high net worth individuals in the United States.  

Located in the Cayman Islands, East Coast Asset Management offers an actively managed fixed income credit strategy that seeks both to protect investor capital and maximize risk-adjusted returns. The firm aims to generate returns through three primary trading methodologies: core credit portfolio, relative value opportunities, and active trading.  

To expand in the U.S. market, East Coast Asset Management also announced it has formed a strategic partnership with Boston-based Eolas Capital to assist with market strategy and serve as its distribution team.  

“We believe the isolation of credit spreads creates a compelling diversification benefit and return opportunity for investors. By hedging the interest rate component of corporate bonds, we aim to protect investors from capital losses caused by rising rates,” said Mike MacBain, founder, CEO and chief investment officer of East Coast Asset Management. “Our strategy can be an important and differentiated part of a portfolio. We are confident that with Eolas Capital’s market expertise and distribution strengths, our expansion into the U.S. market will be beneficial to clients.”

MacBain is a former president of TD Securities with more than 30 years of industry experience. He founded East Coast Asset Management in 2019 to implement the investment grade credit strategy he used as the former CEO and CIO of predecessor investment management firm East Coast Fund Management Inc, based in Toronto.  

“We are delighted to help East Coast Asset Management deliver its exceptional capabilities and established record to U.S. investors,” said Des Mac Intyre, co-founder and managing director at Eolas Capital. “We believe its unique strategy will appeal to U.S. institutional and qualified investors seeking a well-tested alternative credit strategy which has the potential to serve as a return enhancer to traditional fixed income allocations.”


East Coast Asset Management was founded in 2019 by Mike MacBain, CEO and chief investment officer, employing the investment grade credit strategy used previously at predecessor investment management firm East Coast Fund Management Inc. in Toronto. East Coast Asset Management manages approximately $1.8 billion in assets as of December 31, 2024. The firm seeks to maximize risk-adjusted returns with low volatility and focuses on capital preservation for clients. For more information visit www.ecasset.com.


Boston-based Eolas Capital was launched in 2021 by Des Mac Intyre, managing director and chief investment officer, and Channel Capital Pty Ltd., a leading Australian multi-partner asset management business with more than A$32 billion in assets. Eolas focuses on three business lines—solicitation on behalf of boutique U.S. asset managers, incubating new and distinctive asset managers, and introducing non-U.S. asset managers in the U.S. market. For more information visit www.eolascapital.com.